October 10, 2007

The joys of being sick

So, I have spent the entire long weekend plus the last few days in bed. And no, unfortunately, I don't mean having fun under the covers with hubby. I mean, in bed, sick with a tsunami of a flu/cold.

It has been years since I've had this kind of bug but I'm not suprised. The last 8 years in the working world, I was surrounded by people who actually stayed home when sick. Now, I'm back in school with people who come in sick and you know how that goes, everyone sits in a row packed like sardines, someone coughs on you, another sneezes on you, people don't wash their hands...you get the picture.

The nice thing about this was Will **SIGH** he made me a wonderful immune boosting soup from scratch and fruit smoothies - even brought me a few bottle of fiji water every hour. He was the ideal personal slave. I realy should consider getting him some slave like attire....hmmm.

The bad part was the fever that made my skin crawl, for a moment there I thought I was in drug detox, then I remebered that I don't do drugs. **SIGH OF RELIEF**But I can't imagine why Lindsay and all those other party stars that recently visited rehab would take up a habit that would make their poor bodies have to go through something like that.

What I'm missing right now:

Eating any kind of food other than soup
Being able to talk ( I have lost my voice)
Knowing what day of the week it is
Leaving the house
Being able to sleep

What I'm loving right now:

Watching trash TV and lovin it!

Ok, I'm done:)

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