March 5, 2008

My big strong heroes

Yesterday was just one of those days. Let me explain.....

I worked at my internship in the morning and when I went walked back to my car, guess what I found under the wiper, mocking me? A parking ticket. So instead of working for free yesterday, it cost me $40. Sucky.

Then I get in my car, start it, put my foot on the accelerator and guess what? It won't budge, I'm stuck on ice. A big guy that looks like a body builder knocks on my window, so I roll it down. He says, "You've got two big, strong guys here, ready to PUSH you out." I was like, "cool," and within seconds I was back on the road on my way to class. I have to admit it was kind of funny...I've never heard someone refer to themselves as big and strong. But they saved me so I will not complain.

At the end of the day, I opened the fridge to grab something and knocked over a bottle of medication. It cracked open on the floor and leaked out. Replacement fee: $26.

So today actually cost me $66. It's really expensive not to work. As I said, just one of those days. Here's hoping today will be better. But since the snow plow just went by and plowed me in...I'll keep you posted.

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