February 15, 2008

My V-day

So, I spent yesterday polishing a few scenes in Act 2 of my screenplay. My protaganist is Southern, and I like to read my dialogue out loud but I don't do accents very well. My southern drawl was so overdone that my dog came prancing in with one of those looks that says, "What the hell are you doing?" I think she thinks I was howling instead of talking or something. But she couldn't even understand the howl. So she proceeded to scold me. Can you imagine?

Will and I had plans to go out for the evening but I've been sick the last few days so sadly we cancelled our reservations. But he picked up some great take -out - all my favs and brought me some beautiful flowers!!! He's sweet like that and then we decided to watch an older movie, but a fav, office space and basically laughed our asses off for two hours.

It ended just in time for lost. If it hadn't we would have stopped it as we can't live without our lost fix. The episode was a dissapointment AGAIN - all the episodes have been this season. But like most other addictions, we know it's bad but we can't seem to stop watching.

The writer's strike is over...YAY..this means I can dust off the spec script I wrote last term and send of my query letter.

That was my V- day.

Today Will and I are both off. We slept in. Beautiful. Had a lazy breakfast. How beautiful. And now are both hard at work. We don't really know how to take a break, at least not for any extended period of time but we like it like that.


Mawrter4 said...

You guys are hilarious and I love you!

I hope Will made breakfast ...

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! I'm going to link you. Hope you don't mind.