February 5, 2008

a cool night

Last night there was a reading of my play and well I am in awe of my actors. They really brought the story to life and I was really happy. The words sounded even better when they left the page.

The best part of my night was when someone approached me and told me that there were these three lines that really spoke to them... it was a realization they had come to about their own life and hearing it said on stage, knowing that someone else had thought the same thing as they had, gave them a sense of validation. My heart soared at the comment. That is after all why I write. If I can touch even one person with my words I feel I have suceeded.

What a night! What a motivator!


ruby said...


Gnomencandle said...

aw wish I could of been there!

I can't wait to see the video of it!

c-kat said...

Well I guess being in San Jose was a good excuse for missing it. LOL.