December 22, 2009

Almost there

I am at 21,000 words! Yahoo!

In other news, we still don't have our Christmas tree up yet. It is ridiculous, I know, but we have had so much going on lately.

Hubby bought my an i phone for Christmas and let me have it early, as you only have so long till it can be returned etc. All I can say is that I am in love.

I've been contemplating adding another doggie or a kitten to our family over the holidays. But then I think...what extra time do I have for it?


December 11, 2009

1/3 of the way there

Well I didn't write much this week, but the week before I did, so I am now up to 14, 247 words on my children's novel. I plan to have a draft of 32,000 pages by December 31st. I am a little over 1/3rd of the way there.

January 1st I will start rewrites of my screenplay which needs to be 100% done by May 1st as I am applying for a production grant.

I still have a lot of Christmas shopping to catch up on and I'm going to Florida for 2 weeks in February, which means 2 weeks of no writing. So in January my mantra must be WRITE, WRITE, WRITE.

November 20, 2009

A cute pix of doggie and pals

Here's a cute picture of my doggie with her two stuffed friends....

The best made plans

Well, I got off to a great start with **the plan** and then I came down with a horrible cold on Monday night and have been off of work all week. A.K.A. I didn't write for 3 whole days. Nothing like a good ole plan to say JINX. But I'm back at it again. I wrote a little over 1,000 words on the novel this afternoon and now I plan to spend an hour on one of the screenplays. I still feel that all and all I am on schedule.

I had a request for one of my short scripts and just sent it to the director. Will let you know what I hear back.

I cooked lamb for dinner tonight. Every time I cook lamb my dog cries and hides in the basement. We've never been able to figure out why. The dog food she eats everyday is lamb and rice flavored, so it can't be that she doesn't like lamb. She just doesn't like the smell of it cooking. Go figure.

November 15, 2009

My plan

It's been a busy few months. I finally finished the rewrites on my play based on the feedback I received at the play reading. I plan to send it out to some theatre companies in January. And my private practice spec made it to the top 10% of the Austin Teleplay Competition.

All in all good news, but I don't feel that I have been writing enough. It's mostly because I am too tired to be "creative," after a long work day, but I know that is no excuse. So I'm going to keep track of my progress on this blog. Hopefully it will act as a motivator.

I plan to complete the following 7 projects by the end of May 2009:

A novel for 9-12 year olds which will be approx. 40, 000 words
A comedy screenplay which will be approx. 110 pages
A teen comedy screenplay which will be approx. 100 pages
A picture book for kids and three short stories for kids/teens

I plan to write everyday, but will probably alternate projects to keep things interesting. If I work on a book or short story I will aim for a minimum of 1000 words a day/ 6 days a week. If I am working on a script I will write a minimum of 5 pages a day/ 6 days a week. If I am working on an outline I will write a page a day (my outlines are usually 10 pages each but I do a lot of research which is what will take up the bulk of the time) / 6 days a week. Rewrites will follow the same word/page minimums. I really hope I will write more each day, but I want my goal to be realistic.

I am not including other research/query letters/ ideas and synopsis I write up.

This plan may look easy but don't forget it usually takes multipme drafts to get a script where I want it, so I will be going through this process over and over again.

This starts today, so I am off to write. :)

August 18, 2009

Tonight! Tonight! Tonight!

I just got back from my play reading. It took place at a local director's house with professional actors and all I can say is that I am floating on a cloud right now. It was so great to see the play come to life!

Not only was it a LOT of fun, but everyone loved the play! They loved the characters! Compliments were falling like a torrential downpour.

And we had an hour to discuss it afterward, during which I received so much fantastic feedback to use for my next draft. My plan is to crank out the next draft in double time and have it ready to sell before Christmas.

As corny as it sounds, I left feeling like I was put on this earth to write and I can't begin to tell you how absolutely wonderful that feels!

June 15, 2009

A bit of everything

OMG, I can't believe my last post was in March and I really can't think of a good reason for my laziness.

What's new?

I teamed up with a friend from film school. We created a few TV pitches together and sent them out to a producer last week. We've had interest in three and are pretty happy. They wanted more details so we're working on that right now. Working with someone else is great - keeps you motivated because you want to pull your weight and someone else is counting on you. It sucks because you have to agree on everything and that can be very very draining. It's a great learning experience and bottom line the world of T.V. and film is a collaborative one, so I might as well get used to it. Plus my writing partner ROCKS!

I finished my play and am having a play reading at the end of the summer which I am really looking forward to.

I am going to Chicago for a week in July. It'll be my first time and I am psyched. My must see list is so long I don't know how I'll cram it all into 6 days, but I shall try my best.

We got a free tree. The city offered each household one with free delivery. It is very scrawny and looks so lonely in our backyard, but it is ours and we adore it. Of course, so does the dog, who peed on it less than 5 minutes after we planted it. LOL.

I LOVED the prison break series finale and am awaiting the final break on DVD in July. Apparently it was on sky TV but I missed it! I bought seasons 1 and 2 on DVD and have devoured them in the last 3 weeks. Guess who I watched them with? My mom! Believe it or not she is a die hard fan. Hubby on the other hand hates the show which is weird considering it is more of a guy show. But Hubby hates the majority of today's T.V. shows, so don't take it personally prison break.

I'm sure there are a zillion other things I should be writing's been three months...but it's not likely that I'll remember them so.... I'm heading to the fridge for a late night snack... I've been doing a lot of that lately.


March 21, 2009

update on script

Great news! I heard from that producer who was interestd in my script and she is still very interested! I am currently working on rewrites.

Nothing else to report at this time. :)

February 6, 2009

A mix of stuff - just like the weather

I heard back from the producer who read my script and she said that she loved it and would get back to me soon, so now the waiting game begins.

I also sent my resume and writing sample to the producer of a local TV show that is looking for new writers. Again, I just wait and see.

In the meantime, I have started a desperate housewives spec to add to my portfolio.

I came down with a crappy cold at the start of the week. Everyone at work was sick...I had a mild sore throat last week that passed and I was like, Yay, I didn't get it and then a few days later I wake up sick. SUCKY!

Every year at this time, Will and I start complaining about the cold, the snow, cold season and all the other crap that winter throws our way. We start talking about moving somewhere warm like California. We've also looked at Vancouver...although it rains there an awful lot. This year I seem more serious than ever, but I also love my job so who knows...

January 19, 2009

Another first

So, today I got a request for one of my scripts by an award winning director/producer. I just sent it off to her and I am psyched!!!:)

She liked my logline and it's the sort of story she likes to produce. Even if nothing comes of it, I feel I am moving in the right direction.
