It's been a busy few months. I finally finished the rewrites on my play based on the feedback I received at the play reading. I plan to send it out to some theatre companies in January. And my private practice spec made it to the top 10% of the Austin Teleplay Competition.
All in all good news, but I don't feel that I have been writing enough. It's mostly because I am too tired to be "creative," after a long work day, but I know that is no excuse. So I'm going to keep track of my progress on this blog. Hopefully it will act as a motivator.
I plan to complete the following 7 projects by the end of May 2009:
A novel for 9-12 year olds which will be approx. 40, 000 words
A comedy screenplay which will be approx. 110 pages
A teen comedy screenplay which will be approx. 100 pages
A picture book for kids and three short stories for kids/teens
I plan to write everyday, but will probably alternate projects to keep things interesting. If I work on a book or short story I will aim for a minimum of 1000 words a day/ 6 days a week. If I am working on a script I will write a minimum of 5 pages a day/ 6 days a week. If I am working on an outline I will write a page a day (my outlines are usually 10 pages each but I do a lot of research which is what will take up the bulk of the time) / 6 days a week. Rewrites will follow the same word/page minimums. I really hope I will write more each day, but I want my goal to be realistic.
I am not including other research/query letters/ ideas and synopsis I write up.
This plan may look easy but don't forget it usually takes multipme drafts to get a script where I want it, so I will be going through this process over and over again.
This starts today, so I am off to write. :)