October 4, 2007

Down with the fly

So I gave a presentation today and through the whole presentation, there was this guy snickering at me. And it was really weird because my presentation was not funny, it was very very serious. He was rude! But then I started thinking, OMG, is my fly down? I just had this feeling about it. I really don't know why. But I couldn't check it, cause that would just be obvious. So I finished the presentation, took all the questions they threw at me and left and then the minute I left the room I checked.

Sure enough, my fly was down. Embarassed much? Yup, I was. And I only have two things to say:

1) He was rude!
2) Why didn't one of my so called friends let me know?

Oh and a third:

3) Was it really that funny? I mean I'm a girl so its not like there was anything hanging out there. Sheesh!


Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh, this has to be one of the funniest things ever. For the record, a real friend would have let you know...either with the subtle ahem as they motion to the fly or the outright stating the fact.

I can see what is funny, even though nothing is hanging out, the monotony of a classroom setting is enough to fuel the frenzy o juvenile behaviour, but to summarize your point, he was quite the rudy, patoody!

MD said...

It's funny! Also, there's an outside chance the pants support system would collapse and they might fall down! Your "friends" suck!

ruby said...

omg. my worst nightmare.

ruby said...

omg this is my worst nightmare.

wontonderler - guk said...

Way to overcome an obstacle on the fly!

Anonymous said...

That happened to me yesterday! Except I was at church and I was in such a rush to get ready that I forgot to zip up my shorts. But this weird guy was looking at me funny and I realized when I sat down that it was opened, incredibly embarrassing!