January 2, 2008

X - mas tidbits

Sorry for my absence from the blogging world...I have been in rural Nova Scotia, snowed in and loving every moment of it.

The first half of our vacation was spent at my grammies house where for the first time in five years we were all together. God we laughed and laughed and laughed.

The second half of our vacay we spent at my in laws and let me say I LOOOOOVE my in laws! They always make me feel like a real daughter and I always have a fab time with them. I got to see my three year old niece....three going on six, I swear!

Sometimes when I go home, I wonder if I made the wrong choice, moving to the capital city. I am a city girl but life in the valley is just so wonderful. I mean almost everyone makes a living with their own business, usually environmentally friendly and well, I think Will and I could do an awesome job at that. It would mean more time together and more time with family. Also, we looked at real estate - we could buy a place comparable to ours for half the price and food is 2/3'rds of the price. **SIGH** But where would I be without traffic, cineplex theatres, Thai restaurants, facials, manicures, yoga, etc.??

Ten tidbits from our holidays:

1. My three year old niece stays up later than hubby and I do. No joke. She is competition for the energizer bunny!
2. My three year old niece only eats salad, fruit plates, cheese and bread and just the odd bite of meat. You go girl!
3. My three year old niece can bake bread from scratch all on her own. I attribute this to the food she's eating....see number 2.
4. Apparently there are five levels to Alzheimer's and as long as you don't go past four you are fine....you'd have to be at our Christmas Eve blast to appreciate this one!
5. My dad just got back from working in Indonesia and got everyone an Indonesian Christmas present this year. And we all had to model....wish I could upload the pics. Indonesians are pretty small but this was the first year my dad found a store that carried size XXL for my uncle and was told it would have a slimming effect. Well, as he modeled it around the living room - the pounds - they just came off!
6. A friend of ours is running a completely organic farm. Totally awesome guy.
7. Will put together his first CD. He will start selling it online soon. It totally rocks and I am not biased at all. I've listened to nothing else in the rental car.
8. I've actually got a list of resolutions which I will post later.
9. I arrived home to an angry dog who chewed us out for being away even though her Grandma spoiled her rotten.
10. We gave our dog a finger puppet and a new cozy bed and we found instant redemption. Wish everything in life was that easy.

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