September 19, 2007

Desperate Housewives comes to life

Sunday morning I tried to sleep in, and as I faded in and out of conciousness I kept thinking I heard a man screaming.

Finally at around 9am I heard a man yell "I'm going to die. I'm going to die." I jumped out of bed. I was sure I'd heard it and it wasn't a dream.

I ran downstairs and told Will about it and although he didn't say anything he gave me a look of disbeleif. But being the wonderful man that he is, he put on his rain coat(we were having a downpour) and walked up the street.

Well, turns out there was a crazy man in the children's park on our street that had gone totally crazy. Many of our neighbours were out on the street. The police came and took him a way. It felt like an episode of desperate housewives, really.

But I felt sad for the rest of the day wondering what had happened, what sent him over the edge. Did someone he love recently die? Did he find out he's sick? Did he loose his job and declare bankruptcy?Everyone was talking about the "Crazy man" as if he was so far removed from them, but I think any of us could one day could be him.


Anonymous said...

Weird stuff just seems to happen to you, evr noticed that. First the crazy guy in CA and then this guy. lol

c-kat said...

Hey, what are you sayin???

Ha ha, actually it is great for story ideas!