September 8, 2007

When do we get to write?

I am working on a documentary - well just the script for it and the clips that will be used and it is taking forever. **GROAN**

So ya, if it looks like I'm complaining, that is because I am. It's just that I'm in a writing program and so far we haven't done any writing, well this documentary script is technically writing, but by writing I mean the fun stuff, which I usually work on at least 20 hours a week.

The fun stuff is coming, I have been assured and have already had to hand in an outline of my projects for the year, which I must warn you are pretty cool.

But until the time comes for the fun stuff...I think I might have to disable my internet...I am getting distracted by some crazy stuff. One of my profs introduced us to all these cool series on youtube and man I wish he hadn't done that :)

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