September 5, 2007

How structured should something be?

I really have mixed views on the book, "Save the cat" in other words I have a love/hate relationship with it.

On the love side is the advice as stated in the title which that the protagansit must always save the cat or partake in some form of similar good deed. That way even if he's a bad guy but he does something good, ie. marlon brando doesn't do business with druggies in "The Godfather", we as the audience see the good in him and are able to root for him.

What I don't like about the book is how structured he suggests the beats should be. I know it works for some but for others is too mechanical and as a result the heart of the story can be lost.

I agree a sp must be structured in three acts, seperated by turning points and that the B story should contain these same turning points. All good screenplays follow this formula but whether the first turning point occurs on page 25 or 27, hmm not important, really. Now if
it doesn't occur till page 50, chances are you'll lose your audience to the popcorn machine.

Just an opinion.

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