September 4, 2007

Student Life

I survived day one. It went really well. Met some pretty cool people.

The class is 8 women and 20 men so that is interesting. I get along better with men anyway so am pretty happy about it!

The majority are like 22 years old, but there are a few people my age and maybe one person in their 40's

Someone thought I was 24 and was shocked to find out I was 30. I'm not surpised, I still get carded at bars. :) There was a time when I hated that but with each passing year I like it more and more.

My one school complaint is over the fact that we get marked for attendance which reminds me of grade school. I mean if we are paying for the program I think we should get to decide if we show up or not. But, since I don't plan on missing class I am not going to worry to much about that.

And I didn't have to get up till 10 am this morning so who really is complaining?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be weary of those profs which force attendance, it usually means they lack in the interest department!