August 13, 2007

The pink luggage

So apparently there is a rule that checked luggage cannot weigh over 50 lbs and well we bought some things when we were in California...mine weighed in at 56 lbs and hubbys at 62 lbs.

The airline staffs suggestion? Throw out your shampoo. Umm, hello, I am pretty sure shampoo doesn't weigh 12 lbs.

Second suggestion was to buy another suitcase for the overflow.

So, and bear in mind here we were holding up the line, I ran to the gift shop to find they only had one type of suitcase for sale. It was bright pink with flowers and looked like something Barbie would travel with. So I bought it, what other alternative was there???

You should have seen hubby's face when he saw me coming back with it.

When we arrived at our destination, we are standing at baggae claim when hubby sees it on the carousel and is so embarassed he looks to the couple waiting next to us and says " This isn't ours. Well it is but only because they made us buy it."

I was LMAO, so were they. Too funny! And I made him carry it to the car. :)


Anonymous said...

Cruel. Proof positive your man loves you! I bet he would even go get your sanitary napkins for ya! With wings and all

Anonymous said...

How about posting a pix of the luggage?